
Showing posts from October, 2017

Is Sri Lanka Facing a "Brain Drain”?

Is Sri Lanka Facing a "Brain Drain”? What is a Brain Drain? The highly skilled individuals of an economy are emigrating from a country looking for better jobs prospects, hindering the development of the own country.  Brain Drain can give positive and negative impact on an economy, Positive Impacts can be standard of living of the immigrants family members can improve, abroad techniques can be brought to own country for development and government could benefit by taxing on income on immigrants. Negativity of Brain Drain for an economy will be, development of own country will be slow, negative cultures can be brought in to the own country and there will be shortage of skilled labour in the economy.  “Sri Lanka has yet to reach its full potential in the new knowledge-service based economy. To do that, we must continue to recognise the importance of building upon existing industries that offer potential for future economic growth.” [Online] Available @  http:/