A motive is a reason for doing something. Motivation is concerned with the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways. (Armstrong, 2006)

It is simply the willingness a person has to do any task with utmost passion and likening. The willingness to do a task may occur when it is attached with monetary terms and also with nonmonetary terms.
And this Motivation factor is the influencing factor of any organization as without that element present in the employees may lead the organization to go on a downwards spiral. 

In an organizational context motivation is given to employees mainly by monetary terms. Money, in the form of pay or some other sort of remuneration, is the most obvious extrinsic reward. Money provides the carrot that most people want. (Armstrong, 2006)

However, Money has not been always a motivator at different levels. There are many nonmonetary motivating factors which influence the employees’ efficiency in the organization. Such as long term vision of the company and for the employees’ growth, ethical system, policies and procedures, friendly superiors, internal political system, respect given for the employees.

A motivated staff force can bring many benefits to an organisation. If the staff are motivated the productivity will increase the costs can be reduced whilst creativity will improve and lead to innovative ideas, organization will have a competitive advantage and Staff will be loyal to the organization.

The challenging question for any organization is how to motivate their human capital when the organization in the time of recession?

Will the nonmonetary motivating factors keep the employees bound to your organization until the organization is out from the recession or will it lead to employee turnover?

If an organization is facing such a situation then what will be the best strategy to use on their employees to keep them motivated and engaged?

Many issues may arise during the recession such as job cuts which may bring fear to other employees, salary delays, depression of low sales and standard of living etc

The Theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows us that at different levels of the staff the need varies, if the needs are satisfied the employees will be motivated but during a recession the safety need will be affected because the jobs are under risk. This depression will be resulting in effecting the physiological and the needs of love / belonging as well. 

The leader of the company or the board of directors should communicate the survival plan at the time of recession with their employees and the vision ahead of the hard time. What the company is working towards and how employees’ future with the organization are secured. It will give the employees a sense of security and a purpose to work for the organization.

An example of a revolutionary leader who created a massive change and innovation even when the organization is facing a recession in the e-commerce trade is Jack Ma. He kept his co-workers motivated by envisioning the purpose to change the world by his work.

By anfas anees

Armstrong, M. (2006) A handbook of human resource management practise. London and Philadelphia, Kogan page.

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